Throughout this pandemic, TCA Compliance has looked to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for guidance on how best to manage the effects of COVID-19 on our business.
As many states, including Illinois, are entering into Phase 5 of their COVID strategies (i.e. are re-opening), we have continued to look to the CDC for guidance in preparing for on-site engagements.
TCA will continue to monitor developments in the coming months but place the health and safety of our consultants and clients as our highest priority. We are once again returning to on-site engagements if requested. The majority of our consultants have been vaccinated; however, all consultants will have masks available should they need it and will continue to carry hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.
TCA continues to encourage offsite engagements. We have successfully performed off-site compliance reviews for years. We recently published the article Considerations for Managing an Offsite Review; the article contains some tips and best practices you’ll find useful.
Whether we are on-site or off-site, we provide A Better Way to manage your institution’s compliance risk. If you have questions or want to explore other ways of working together, please call us at 800-934-REGS or send an email to
We are here to help, and we wish you and your team continued good health.