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Fair Lending Hot Topics

When: August 17, 2021 10am – 11:30 am CST

Fair lending continues to be a hot topic for all lending institutions. Understand the fair lending risk factors that the regulators are focusing on such as redlining, disparate impact, fair lending monitoring, pricing exceptions, underwriting exceptions, and marketing. Know the importance of understanding your lending pattern analyses along with peer comparison along with upward reporting to management and board.

  • Identify fair lending risk factors in the area of mortgage servicing and loss mitigations practices and to ensure no forms of disparity are evident in these areas.
  • How does the revised general QM rules can impact fair lending at your bank?
  • How does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion impact fair lending and what your bank should start implementing.
  • Know the steps to put in place a Special Purpose Credit Program to bolster your lending to minority groups or minority locations.
  • Best practices will be discussed that are observed out in the industry as recommended by the regulators.

Join the TCA webinar and find A Better Way to help strengthen your fair lending program.

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