community reinvestment act

FFIEC Releases 2020 CRA Public Data Tables

On December 21, 2021, the FFIEC released the public disclosures for CRA data submitted for calendar year 2020.

Note: If your institution does not report CRA small business, small farm or community development lending data, then this Special Release would not apply to you.

Even if your institution is not a CRA reporter, a review of the data of other lenders in your assessment area can provide insights for commercial lenders by reviewing aggregate small-business lending in your assessment area.

Institutions that report CRA data should go to the FFIEC website and download their disclosure tables for availability on request. The report should be made a part of your CRA Public File within three business days of posting on the FFIEC website. You can replace calendar year 2018 with the 2020 calendar year disclosures, as you only need to maintain two years of reports.

The CRA data is available by going to, navigating to Disclosure Reports and entering the Institution Name and/or Respondent ID to retrieve the disclosure tables for your institution. Be sure to click “Retrieve All PDF” to get all data tables for your institution. The disclosure tables for prior years going back to 1996 for your institution can also be obtained from the link above.

As always, TCA is here to help with A Better Way to answer all your regulatory questions. Contact us at or at 800-934-7347.

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