Model Governance
Data Integrity
Model Output and Performance
Helping you meet regulators’ demands for independent AMS model reviews
We bring the people and know-how to conduct rigorous, risk-based AMS model validations to assess how well your model governance, data integrity, and parameter thresholds adhere to regulatory guidance.
Conducting an AMS model validation is both an art and a science.
Hundreds of banks and credit unions view us as trusted artists and scientists and count on us to bring insightful regulatory intelligence during AMS model validations.
With real-world experience as former bankers, we understand the effect of increased regulatory pressure on your team. Relying on plug-and-play settings, for example, is a path to frustration, and we know how it feels to be overwhelmed by alerts and struggle to discern what warnings to heed or ignore.
Members of our team have done everything from examining data integrity and its quality and conducting “above the line” and “below the line” testing to assessing a model’s design and how well it’s tailored to your risk profile.
We also bring a solid track record in understanding the quirks of various AMS solutions in the marketplace and performing system validations on them.
Our assessments consider both IT and BSA perspectives, and we focus on three areas:
- Model governance
- Data integrity
- Model output and performance
Throughout each engagement, we communicate with you to keep you informed on our progress and findings. At the conclusion, our exit meeting and written report document our scope, methodology, findings, and recommendations.
Once our AMS Validation is complete, you can be confident that your model is sound and meet examiners’ escalating expectations.
TCA gives you A Better Way to gauge whether your AMS model meets its objectives and protects you from money-laundering risks.
Key Deliverables Include:
- Testing administrative controls, data import, and data integrity.
- Reviewing system parameters to be sure they’re functioning correctly and identifying suspicious activity.
- Ensuring that your model has been calibrated to your bank's risk profile.
- Analyzing exams, reviews, and monitoring reports to trace the resolution of issues requiring corrective action.
- Providing exceptional service that respects your time.
AMS Insights
The Great Debate — Is This a Finance Charge?
If only there was a simple answer! Unfortunately, this seemingly simple question can be endlessly debated due to the complexity of Regulation Z. §1026.4(a) states that a finance charge is the cost of consumer credit as a dollar amount. It includes any charge payable directly or indirectly by the consumer and imposed directly or indirectly […]
Meet your Community’s Credit Needs for Fair Lending – Utilizing Regulation B’s Special Purpose Credit Program
“What are you doing to ensure diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)?” That question routinely comes up during conference calls among us, clients, and regulatory agencies. Businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations all are focusing on DEI. Financial institutions are no exception. In fact, regulatory agencies emphasize the importance of DEI in written communications about the Fair […]
CRA Public File Reminder
April 1st is known as April Fools’ day and a time to play tricks and pranks. But did you know on April 1, 1748, the Ruins of Pompeii were rediscovered by Spaniard Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre? Guess it is time to rediscover the CRA Public File and make sure nothing ancient is inside! By now […]
TCA Compliance Expands its BSA/AML Team with New Associate, Jennifer Rura
TCA Compliance has expanded its staff in response to greater demand for its BSA/AML consulting services. Jennifer Rura CAMS, CCBP, recently joined Oak Brook, Ill.-based TCA as a BSA Associate. “We are seeing examiners more consistently expect model validations of automated monitoring systems,” comments Brian Crow, TCA’s Managing Partner/Co-President, who leads TCA’s seven-person BSA/AML team. […]
CFPB Issues Changes to Rule on Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Escrow Exemption
On February 17, 2021, the CFPB published a final rule to implement a requirement of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (EGRRCPA). The final rule exempts certain insured depository institutions and insured credit unions from the requirement to establish escrow accounts for certain higher-priced mortgage loans (HPMLs). The final rule also removed […]
The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Application: New and Improved?
The mortgage application, the 1003 or URLA – these are all synonyms for the standard residential mortgage application which has been changed. Navigating through these changes can be stressful; but we are here to help. Fannie/Freddie announced the release of the redesigned Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) on August 23, 2016. The changes would include […]