Loan Servicing and Loan Operation Reviews

woman holding pen and reviewing loan document

Helping your team shape policies and procedures to strengthen your lending operations and allow you to withstand regulators' scrutiny

We perform exhaustive reviews to discover whether you're appropriately controlling and minimizing consumer lending risk.

Compliance in the consumer lending arena continues to get more complicated. Regulators have high expectations and there's an overflow of guidance from various federal agencies: CFPB, FDIC, OCC, and others. Plus, consumers have gotten savvier about their rights.

It's helpful to have a competent team to walk alongside you, ensuring that your lending policies are fair, that your loan servicing strategy is effective, and that you can measure, control, and minimize lending-related consumer risk and avoid consumer harm.

Numerous banks have placed their trust and confidence in TCA. Our team members, all former bankers, have real-life experience managing day-to-day consumer and mortgage lending compliance and preparing for regulatory exams.

We tap that deep expertise when we assess your loans, operations, and policies with the same scrutiny as examiners.

Our review includes:

  • Looking at the consumer loan and mortgage documentation, checking for correct disclosures, borrowers' payments, and loan modifications.
  • Ensuring that your written policies, procedures, products, and operations are current and reflect your agreement with borrowers.
  • Identifying flood insurance coverage gaps.
  • Evaluating your training and recommending changes, where necessary.
  • Testing whether your procedures are adequate to minimize your risk.

Working with the TCA team is an investment in your future. Besides preparing for your exam, we advise you on modifications you can make to align your policies and procedures with your current needs and longer-term goals.

TCA's A Better Way for loan servicing and operations gives you the how-to on addressing your consumer lending risk.

Key deliverables include:

  • Identifying compliance deficiencies and recommending corrections to help you pass future exams more easily
  • Checking that you're complying with all relevant consumer and mortgage lending regulations
  • Evaluating staff competence and training

Additional Compliance Topics

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314(a) and 314(b) Information Sharing: Is there a Difference?

By | November 14, 2019

The goal of my article is to help BSA staff have a clearer understanding of the differences between mandatory and voluntary information sharing. TCA’s BSA Action Team (BAT) wants to point out some key observations based on our BSA audits. In BSA, information requests are commonly referred to as sections 314(a) and 314(b) of the […]

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Legislative and Regulatory BSA/AML Changes

By | October 25, 2019

Despite the collective efforts of law enforcement and BSA risk managers across the country, the United States is not doing the best job of finding effective and efficient ways to combat money laundering. Regulatory and legislative efforts, which are the truly meaningful actions that could be taken, are currently being worked on in Washington. A […]

compliance drawing

National Compliance Officer Day

By | September 26, 2019

Today is National Compliance Officer Day, so TCA® wanted to share some recommendations from our compliance team with our fellow compliance professionals on potentially banking clients who may be engaged in activities relating to the cannabis industry. The challenge of providing banking services for industrial hemp and CBD Oil is that there are no current […]

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Fair Lending – The Latest

By | September 13, 2019

Regardless of bank size, complexity or risk profile, there is a universal myth when it comes to Fair Lending that there has been less enforcement since 2016. The truth is that Fair lending is one of the top enforcement rules. TCA recently attended a Fair Lending conference that included a regulatory panel discussion focusing on […]

mortgage application

Clarifying the Joint Intent Requirements at Application

By | May 22, 2019

Joint intent exceptions are a common finding in our compliance reviews. We have found that there are misconceptions on what constitutes joint intent and how it should be documented; most of the questions come from commercial versus consumer mortgage loan officers. Many of the questions we are asked include: Isn’t the joint financial statement enough […]

couple shaking hands with lender

Fair Lending and Marketing in the Digital Age

By | May 2, 2019

There’s an old saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know” and that is certainly true when it comes to marketing initiatives meshing with the world of fair lending. The clash of both worlds and the often-divergent priorities have caused regulators to put this intersection under a microscope. A key fact today is that marketing […]

Do You Need Compliance Help?

We’re here to review your current compliance strategy and help you find A Better Way to manage risk.



Email for Non-Confidential Information Only

[email protected]

Office Location

2021 Midwest Road, Suite 200,
Oak Brook, IL 60523

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