Training for Management, Staff, and Directors

corporate training session

Educating and Mentoring Your Team

Bringing customized education and coaching to keep your team informed on the latest compliance regulations.

We train, coach, and mentor your staff and executives to help them understand their responsibilities and build the skills necessary to foster an institution-wide culture of compliance.

Creating and sustaining a culture of compliance starts with ensuring that all employees, from board members to the bank’s frontline staff, thoroughly understand compliance rules and regulations and know their obligations.

TCA has been conducting formal and informal training since the inception of the company 30 years ago.

During every engagement, we take the opportunity to coach your compliance professionals and impart the knowledge we have.

We also provide formal education in all aspects of compliance and develop training, presentation materials, and targeted classes that conform to your needs and address your bank’s unique vulnerabilities.

Sometimes, it’s as simple as training the frontline staff on the compliance requirements associated with opening a savings account. Some ask us to mentor new compliance officers and broaden their skills.

Others seek reinforcement training for board members concerning their oversight role. That may entail detailing the emerging regulatory landscape and illustrating how nurturing a culture of compliance intersects with keeping the bank competitive serves as a trusted asset in its community.

No matter your education needs, TCA provides A Better Way to develop your bank’s intellectual capital.

Key deliverables include:

  • Providing live or remote training sessions tailored to your bank’s needs.
  • Conveying clear and relatable communication of regulatory requirements.
  • Developing sensible recommendations and feasible implementation strategies.

Training Insights

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Are there fair lending concerns when a financial Institution utilizes a third-party vendor that provides data for marketing or assists in the development of a credit underwriting model containing digital algorithms?

By | December 6, 2021

Answer: Yes. The Financial Institution needs to be aware of what makes up the data that is obtained and how the data is applied. These algorithms may be filtered by zip codes, level of education or purchasing behaviors. The Financial Institution needs to ensure the algorithms used do not cause disparate impact by eliminating protected […]


When dispositioning alerts from our automated BSA/AML monitoring system, how much information is enough?

By | December 3, 2021

Answer: TCA continues to see examiner scrutiny on alert resolution. When documenting a response to an alert, it does not need to be as in-depth as an investigation narrative; however, it must explain the who, what, where, when, why, and how. This creates continuity for other BSA staff, examiners, and auditors to understand how you […]

changes ahead signs

OCC Updated Addresses for Equal Housing, CRA and Adverse Actions

By | August 10, 2021

If you are not regulated by the OCC, then you can skip to the end of this Special Release. If you are regulated by the OCC, then you need to know the OCC issued Bulletin 2021-35 on August 5, 2021 updating addresses used for the Equal Housing Lender lobby posters, CRA lobby notices for the […]

community reinvestment act

OCC’s CRA June 2020 Final Rule – Maybe

By | June 4, 2021

For those of you regulated by the OCC and trying to plan the implementation of the June 2020 final CRA rule – Look Out! In OCC Bulletin 2021-24, issued May 18, 2021, the OCC stated that it will “Reconsider” the CRA Final Rule. Yes, you read that correctly. As many financial institutions and software vendors […]

flood insurance policy

When the Tide is Against You

By | May 13, 2021

Over the past several months, the banking industry has experienced tremendous loan origination volume. While increased loan production is a good thing, it is important for Compliance Managers to stay cognizant of rising risks. Pressure, whether from peers or self-imposed, to push loans through leads to a breakdown in controls that are caused from procedural […]

silhouettes, person, human

The Great Debate — Is This a Finance Charge?

By | April 13, 2021

If only there was a simple answer! Unfortunately, this seemingly simple question can be endlessly debated due to the complexity of Regulation Z. §1026.4(a) states that a finance charge is the cost of consumer credit as a dollar amount. It includes any charge payable directly or indirectly by the consumer and imposed directly or indirectly […]

Do You Need Compliance Help?

We’re here to review your current compliance strategy and help you find A Better Way to manage risk.



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Office Location

2021 Midwest Road, Suite 200,
Oak Brook, IL 60523

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